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قديم 02-06-2009, 04:30 AM   #1
هاوي جديد

New Experience with a new Casco-Story and Inquiryy

alsalamo 3alaykoum

Fe of you know that i got a new Casco 3 days ago, he is not screaming, biting and he eats from my hand, I sit a lot in front of his cage trying to make him get used of me, and knows me more. i had an advise from one of the best members around "Sokar" to change the wooden stick he stands on, and i did n that helped a lot.

Today i found him a bit bothered n kept moving his wings i felt he is not loving the cage, so i decided to give him some freedom, io got him out of the cage, tab3an in the beginning he was a bit afraid, bas after few minutes he tried to bite me without screaming, and refused to eat, he kept wandering around the room, so i left him n slept on my sofa watching TV. He ran to me and with his beek"mon2ar" he with a lot of difficulty etsha3bat w tele3 3alaya, he walked over me n rested on me

Here he just walked over the sofa till he reached my shoulder and stood on it

Here he just walked and sat on my stomach

Here he felt asleep when i kept touchiing his head n wings

i kept touching his body and head n he looked enjoying it for like an hour. After that he stood up and had some energy, and looked that he wantted to bite something, unfortunately this something was my fingers

Tab3an bahdely el denya b fadalatooh el a3adt anadafha warah

So2al el 7ala2a, Why he kept trying to bite i even thought he is hungry w 7abet a2kelo ba2a yeseeb el akl w yegry wara soba3y, even when i got him a rubber thing to bite, he bites it shwya and then search for any piece of me to bite sometimes it hurts, my question is not how to make him stop it, i can handle anything from him even his bites, but why is he doing it is the question!!!*
kabou غير متصل  


casco-story, experience, inquiryy, with

الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1)

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